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Magnesium Deficiency in Mars/Saturn Dominant Subjects

You’ll see a lot of people out there with difficult aspects between Mars and Saturn - a permanent karmic burden to walk through life with, but it’s provided structure and made them tough.  It’s their sense of responsibility that keeps them going to a brutal job, living with various handicaps, and sacrificing pieces of themselves.  You see it in athletes, leaders, sex workers, and law enforcement alike. They have proven they can take a beating, but whether they are physically strong is another story entirely.  Often enough, Mars/Saturn people wind up a shell of their former selves after months and years of working under burnout.  Their duty is to their boss and the people under them, so self-care is not their strong suit.  Out of a deep subconscious need for restoration, plenty turn to short-term solutions like alcohol and drugs…which are a band-aid at best, and deeply counterproductive at worst.  The long-term play, since Saturn favors those who play the long game, is to learn what the body needs for recovery and to supply it.  The answer is Earth minerals: the same craved by mountain goats.

Glancing at the natal chart, given certain conditions, it’s fair to infer your subject may indeed suffer from mineral depletion.  Mars/Saturn aspects, as stated above, are a top indicator.  You might also take the following into consideration: 1. Strong aspects to/from Capricorn or Aries

2. Strong aspects to Mars from certain other planets (Pluto, Mercury, Moon, Uranus) 3. 1st House or 6th House Mars/Saturn is particularly prone to burnout.

We’re reading chronic tension, fatigue, inflammation, sexual dysfunction.  Worst of all, poor sleep and a diminished quality of life.  A body seemingly bound for collapse.Mars energy leads us to exert ourselves physically.  We heat up, adrenaline flows, and our muscles flex.  Saturn’s involvement suggests a strict structure to follow, creating obstacles and forcing a commitment. Sounds like running a marathon to me.  There are no breaks - especially since what they want is to win.  Prestige motivates many of these people, but not all will admit it openly.

Mars and Saturn aspects will burn anyone out no matter their profession.  For many they manifest as an Urgent Duty.  As these people see it, their lives depend on the ability to perform consistently at a high rate.  They may get away with it for a time, but work and age has a way of catching up.  Food isn’t as nutrient-rich as it was once, and a healthy diet alone isn’t cutting it for anyone.  It’s time to introduce supplements - Potent Earth Minerals - as medicine for the afflicted Saturn/Mars.  Oh yeah…and your aching body.

Before the science that made supplementation possible, it’s true people ate healthier food. Modern-day agricultural practices have led to significant soil depletion, significantly stripping essential minerals from our food supply. This means that even those who eat a balanced diet may not be getting the nutrients they need for optimal health. In the past, every part of the animal was used, and the edible flora largely untampered with—still, sailors were known to die of scurvy from malnutrition.  Life expectancy back then was only about 30-40 years. The withered, elderly people of those days were only about 60 years old. Today, even if nutrients are scarce in whole foods, vitamins and minerals are packed (enriched) into common consumables such as cereal. We can now isolate and package specific nutrients (or mixtures of them) for optimal digestion.

Magnesium in it's raw form.  Yummy!
Magnesium in it's raw form. Yummy!

Magnesium is a strong answer for restoring balance to your Mars/Saturn-afflicted system.  The scientific word for why is “bioelectricity.”  Magnesium is one of many minerals which act as a specialized “conductor” regulating brain signals to muscles and nerves.  Basically, yes - We eat rocks and our brains feel better because of the rocks' unique structure.  Other heavy hitters include: Sodium, Potassium (Kazakh is best), or Calcium.  When these essentials run low, depleted from stress and exertion, the body is teetering on survival mode.  You simply have to supplement to run at 100% - but a lot of very “tough” Saturn/Mars people won’t.

We have to take care of them.  Be there for their weary hearts and tired muscles.  Everybody gets hit with this demanding Mars/Saturn energy throughout life, but these folks live with it every day.

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