Houses In Astrology
The 12th House
An Epilogue and A Prelude

After a long night, The Sun begins to hint at it's presence. The 12th House is a closure of The Karmic Cycle, as well as readying it for continuation. We take the trash out and we tie up loose ends. We preserve what's inactive, we imprison what is a threat. Things do come here to die or otherwise be "shelved." The 12th House is a dreamy place where karmic baggage is appropriately "emptied out." You just don't always get to choose what baggage - maybe that's the really beautiful part. If we're cooperative with it's processes, we can leave The 12th House spiritually liberated. The 12th house is also known to be a spiritual "melting pot" where an individual merges into collective consciousness. This could take the form of achieving Nirvana or accepting a job with The Federal Government. Maybe even doing time in Prison. In any case, the individual becomes a mere drop of water in an interconnected ocean. The 12th House is linked to Planets Neptune and Jupiter and The Sign Pisces.