Houses In Astrology
The 1st House
Simplicity, Beginnings

Inborn traits. Foundational qualities. Our first memories and our naked bodies.
A fresh identity, a new set of circumstances. The light hits our eyes for the first time, and we're met with discomfort as our body adapts. Like waking up for another day. Like starting a new job. Like being born. The 1st house is a vulnerable place where new life tries to find footing. We're led by sometimes foolish instinct, having no true experience. In the context of your situation, head to an "incubator" or even a "parent" if possible for shelter and nourishment. The 1st House is Pure Intention, Humming with Potential. Our stay here is often brief, since life gets complicated fast. There's a long, winding road ahead - may it be a happy one.
People with an active 1st house are known to be bold and independent. Maybe a little foolish. They walk a fine line between courageous and foolhardy. They are, appropriately, the first into the breach. Pioneers in their field of choice! The 1st House is linked to Planet Mars and The Sign Aries.