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Elements In Astrology


Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces


The Water Element is a shapeshifting, soft energy. Water nourishes life and cools the body. A drop of water dissolves into the ocean, gaining strength and direction while becoming indistinguishable from the ocean. Some water is bottled and stockpiled, shelved for years or perhaps locked deep inside a natural well never to be disturbed. There is an introverted, meditative aspect to Water illustrated by that stillness. Before finding the perfect fit, Water signs might undergo considerable transformation in search of emotional security. Major Arcana XXI “The World” depicts mastery over Astrology’s fundamental four elements, amongst which Water is last and therefore “The Ultimate.” Mastery of the Water element implies inner peace. You are no longer at war with yourself, no longer resisting subconscious efforts at change. Despite inherent uncertainty, you no longer fear depth of experience and every day brings new spiritual refreshment.

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