Astrological Aspects
Harmony - Ease - Safety

A 120° angle between bodies. A bond shared between two or more bodies in signs of the same element. Beautiful, harmonious music. Trines in the natal chart indicate a laid back, natural talent. There’s no reason for a Trine aspect to change, either, since nothing’s breaking or getting in the way of what has always worked - and that’s exactly the problem. Trine aspects, helpful and talented as they already are, require regular stimulation if they’re ever to grow in a meaningful way. Without a certain “callusing of the soul,” these innate abilities are worthless under even a little bit of pressure. Stagnation, complacency, and lack of challenge all serve to spoil the fruit. On the other hand, Trines rarely appear alone in any chart and are a welcome mitigating presence especially amongst the most challenging aspects. Multiple Trine aspects present in the same element may combine to form a Grand Trine, indicating a ready-made “superpower” but dwelling somewhat lazily in the subconscious. Think of a Trine aspect as a musically gifted person who never refines their talent by doing the obvious work necessary - practicing their instrument or collaborating with others.