Astrological Points
Imum Coeli
Our Roots - What Springs From Beneath

Imum Coeli means "Bottom Of The Sky." It is the 4th House Cusp and natural home of The Moon, symbolizing a rich spiritual source of nourishment. Our deepest roots. Simply put, this is the "midnight" section of the chart where we rest and recuperate. At the bottom, we lay dormant and allow our subconscious freedom to act - just the same way we should be falling asleep every night. Sensations and images well up from the deep in the form of dreams. Have you ever woke up and felt like a different person? People with Imum Coeli emphasized in their charts may actually have difficulty keeping the powerful, insistent subconscious at bay. Revolutionary Malcolm X was one such person who met the challenge, turning from petty criminal to powerful activist during his time "dormant" in prison. X entered manhood while locked up, became educated, and set his sights upon the fruit of a more spiritual ideal. It happened to him, so maybe it could happen to you.