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Astrological Points


The Self - What's Near


The Eastern Horizon at birth. The Sign of our Ascendant rises as we draw our first breath and impression of Life. People born at dawn, for example, carry a strong Ascendant, beginning life swimming (baptized, even) in a warm Solar energy.
The Ascendant is cusp of The 1st House, illustrating literally and figuratively the face we endeavor to show to the world. Even tangible aspects of ourselves, like our posture and facial structure, can be analyzed in The Ascendant. Your body's appearance can change permanently based on what occurs in your mind.
Indeed, If you make an ugly face long enough, you'll be stuck with it on. The Ascendant is the gate from which every impulse emerges out of the subconscious, beginning its journey to become a fully-blown psychologically-integrated character trait. Realizing this, you're in an incredible position to observe and regulate the mind. And not only yours. The Ascendant, being that it is 1st House Cusp, is a natural fit for Planet Mars. The Planetary Ruler of your Ascendant depends on Sign.

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